World's Best Heirloom, Fine Furniture Quality Saddle Stand

Built in the tradition of fine-crafted furniture, the Knotty Moon Design Saddle Stand employs laminated tapered legs, dowel-pinned mortise and tenon joints for maximum strength to hold any saddle AND you, if you so desire! The stand shown is appox. 35" tall, 17" wide and 32" deep. It is constructed of maple and cherry hardwoods, however, you can pick any species you desire to match your home surroundings. It is the perfect saddle stand to proudly display your designer or antique saddle. More exotic woods may add to the total cost. The finish is hand rubbed oil-varnish mixture that brings out the grain, patina and satin-smooth finish.

Average cost: $700 plus shipping/handling/insurance


Phone: 719-216-2988. Prices for custom wood designs may vary. All prices subject to change. © 2003 KDI